De StapStep rijdt mee met de Elfstepjestocht: Steppen voor het goede doel!

The StapStep rides along with the Elfstepjestocht: Scooters for charity!

Bright presenter Bram van Dijk traveled more than 200 kilometers along the well-known eleven Frisian cities on eleven different electric scooters last Sunday. He rode the Elfstepjestocht for charity and raised money for testicular cancer research with the 16-hour tour.

Bram left Leeuwarden early in the morning for his Elfstepjestocht and finished after 202 kilometers of stepping just before midnight in the Frisian capital. A unique step like the StapStep could not be missed, of course. We are therefore very proud that the StapStep was able to ride a stage with this unique initiative.

You can still donate via .

The end result is impressive and can be seen on October 15 in the TV program Bright op Banden on RTL Z, RTL 7 and Videoland.


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